Human rights – You can make the difference!

Human Rights are the rights that you simply have because you are Human and there are 30 articles on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Watch the video about the history of Human Rights:

It is important to say that this declaration was conceived with the evolution of mentality around the globe and by the initiative of people that started to see the world in a different way.

Although, there are still violations of this declaration nowadays: racism, discrimination, xenophobia, unfair labor practices, slavery, psychological and physical violence...

The question is how we can made the difference, in a society that people do not want to change their paradigms?

It starts within you. Analyzing yourself,checking your words and actions. Starting again with a new conception of the reality and speaking up for what you believe it is right. By showing yourself to people as an example of good values.

Moreover, sharing the message that people do not have to agree in everything, but they can respect each other and they can try to understand the point of view of the other. It would be a good beginning to sort a lof of issues.

The secret is really to give yourself the opportunity of hearing the others and building a new vision from the world. People like being acknowledged - after that, it is the open door for what you have to say.

Look at people like Martin Lutter King, Gandhi, Greta Thunberg, Madre Teresa, Princess Diana. What they had so much in common? It is the capacity of hearing the others, understanding the others and speaking up for what they believe it is right, without violence and sharing a message of love caring through the hearts of everyone including the ones on opposite side.

But you do not have to be like them. You can do the difference in your community by sharing love, participating in NGOs, making meetings with your community and by reporting to authorities violations of this declaration. 

Use your creativity to make the world a better place and make your voice heard,

You got the power to make the difference, believe in yourself!

30 articles

You can find more information and useful material about Human Rights on the link:

Material for education of human rights



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