My favourite motivational books

  1. Message, Fernando Pessoa
  2. The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran
  3. The Secret, Rhonda Byrne
  4. The heroe, Rhonda Byrne
  5. The monk who sold his ferrari, Robin Sharma
  6. The 5 am club, Robin Sharma
  7. The Saint, the Surfer and the CEO, Robin Sharma
  8. 5 seconds rule,  Mel Robbins
  9. The law of success, Napoleon Hill
  10. Think and become rich, Napoleon Hill
  11. Outwitting the devil, Napoleon Hill
  12. Awaken the giant within, Anthony Robbins
  13. The little prince, Antoine de Saint-exupéry
  14. Joy, Osho
  15. How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie
  16. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey
  17. At the Feet of the Master, Krishnamurti
How about you?


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