My favourite motivational books
- Message, Fernando Pessoa
- The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran
- The Secret, Rhonda Byrne
- The heroe, Rhonda Byrne
- The monk who sold his ferrari, Robin Sharma
- The 5 am club, Robin Sharma
- The Saint, the Surfer and the CEO, Robin Sharma
- 5 seconds rule, Mel Robbins
- The law of success, Napoleon Hill
- Think and become rich, Napoleon Hill
- Outwitting the devil, Napoleon Hill
- Awaken the giant within, Anthony Robbins
- The little prince, Antoine de Saint-exupéry
- Joy, Osho
- How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey
- At the Feet of the Master, Krishnamurti
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